Class of 2023 and Prizegiving Assembly

Where do we even begin to say all of the wonderful things about our Primary 7 children? They are creative, talented, enthusiastic, caring, nurturing, ICT whiz kids, hard working and so charismatic! We have 8 fabulous children beginning this exciting new chapter in their lives and we wish them all the very best of luck. They will be amazing and your new schools are the extremely lucky ones to be gaining such talented children. We started our day on Wednesday with a leaver’s breakfast which allowed our Primary 7 children to have some quiet time with their families before blowing us away with an amazing assembly! There was a Reunion Party, trailers for their new movies (all created by themselves) baby photos and even a performance from our super school choir. A huge thank you to Mr Beattie and Mrs Doogan for their preparation of the assembly. Thank you to Mrs Ovens, Mrs Duffy and Mrs Doogan for the delicious breakfast and thank you to Mrs Gormley for the lovely tea after the assembly. 

This was followed by our prizegiving event. Thank you to Mrs Lappin, our previous principal for coming along and presenting the shields and cups this year. 

Finally, well done to our ever wonderful pupils, you have worked so hard all year round and make us super proud each and every day! We hope you all have a very happy and healthy summer! 

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